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  • Lawn Care in Portsmouth

    Is your landscape living up to your expectations? 适当的草坪护理在朴茨茅斯需要时间,精力和专业知识. Our technicians at ALM have the knowledge & 体验为你做艰苦的工作,这样你就可以不用动一根手指就能享受到一片甘美的草坪. Here at Agronomic Lawn Management, 我们不相信为每个客户提供相同的草坪护理. 我们生活在一个被称为“过渡区”的地区,这意味着温暖季节和寒冷季节的草都可以茁壮成长. 

    We Offer Customized Treatments

    草的种类的变化意味着你的草坪需要适当的关注和护理. 在朴茨茅斯,一刀切的草坪护理方法不是我们的风格. Instead, 我们的专家为您提供定制的治疗,为您的景观提供所需的一切,没有什么不需要的. 其结果是一个华丽和健康的草坪,你会享受多年来.

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    M-F: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
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    Weed Control in Portsmouth

    Are weeds wearing you out? Do you spend hours pulling them up, experimenting with different weed killers, and researching DIY control methods?  If so, then Agronomic Lawn Management has good news for you. 有了我们在朴茨茅斯的经济实惠的杂草控制,你与杂草的战斗可以在任何时候结束. Call now and get your first service within 48 hours.

    Lasting Relief from Weeds Guaranteed

    杂草最糟糕的一点是它们大多数都非常耐寒. 就在你以为已经拔掉了所有的时候,又出现了一块新的补丁. 在农艺草坪管理,我们确保通过提供消除和预防治疗持久缓解. When you partner with us for weed control, 我们保证以下十大彩票网站将为您提供长期的效果:  

    • We start with a soil test 评估您草坪的健康状况,并确定最适合您的治疗方案.
    • A local lawn expert will then 用环保和高效的清除方法清除任何现有的杂草.
    • Additionally, we will provide preventative treatments to avoid the return of weeds and the growth of new types.
    • If you are not 100% satisfied with our weed removal services, 如有必要,我们将迅速为您免费提供重新处理!

    Grub Control in Portsmouth

    你辛辛苦苦地创造了一片美丽的草坪,别让虫子毁了它! 这些昆虫以你的草的根部为食,导致棕色斑点和薄斑块. 随着时间的推移,这些斑块变得越来越大,直到最终你的整个草坪都受到影响. 蛴螬还会吸引浣熊和鸟类等野生动物,造成进一步的破坏. To save your lawn, trust our grub control in Portsmouth.

    Eco-Friendly Relief from Grubs

    Grubs won’t go away on their own—instead, 它们会长成甲虫,繁殖出更多幼虫, making your problem even worse. 为了打破这个循环,你需要在朴茨茅斯进行专业的蛴螬控制. Our lawn care experts treat grubs when they’re most vulnerable, eliminating them sooner and with fewer products. 这样做的结果是对环境和您的家庭有更好的蛴螬控制.

    Lawn Pest Control in Portsmouth

    蚊子、跳蚤和蜱虫会很快破坏你的户外计划. These pests can not only leave you itching and scratching, but they can torment your four-legged friends. Here at Agronomic Lawn Management, 我们想让你在你的院子里舒适与我们的草坪害虫控制在朴茨茅斯 and with our additional knowledge on ticks.

    Reliable, Lasting Services

    At ALM, 我们的草坪害虫控制旨在通过减少成年种群和幼虫,为室外害虫提供全面的保护. 我们将在温暖的月份(4月至10月)进行10次雾化治疗。, 帮助你控制人口,回到你的草坪上享受宁静. Even better, our treatments are eco-friendly and family-and-pet-safe, so you can put all your worries aside.

    Lawn Disease Control in Portsmouth

    Watching disease wreak havoc on your lawn is frustrating, and attempting to treat it yourself only adds to the stress. 与其独自挣扎,不如相信我们朴茨茅斯的疾病控制中心. 我们的草坪护理专业人员将首先准确诊断出存在的疾病,并制定快速的治疗计划,以防止疾病蔓延. Whether it’s spring dead spot, brown patch disease, dollar spot, or mildew, we have the solution for you! Our lawn care treatments in Portsmouth include:

    • Warm-season fungicide applications: If you have warm-season grass, like Bermuda, 我们总共治疗了4次——春季两次,秋季两次, additional summer applications optional.
    • Cool-season fungicide applications对于寒冷季节的草,如羊茅,我们在整个夏天处理5次.
    Lawn Seeding & Aeration

    Transforming your Portsmouth, VA, lawn into a thriving green space requires more than just routine care; it calls for the skill and precision of professional lawn services. 我们先进的播种和土壤改良技术旨在使您的草重新焕发活力, ensuring it stays healthy and attractive throughout the year.

    • Trained and Certified Technicians: 我们的团队由训练有素的专家组成,他们了解朴茨茅斯草坪的具体需求.
    • Personalized Approaches: 我们调整我们的播种和土壤处理,以适应您的草坪的独特条件.
    • Multi-Season Benefits: 我们的十大彩票网站使您的草坪在秋天蓬勃发展,忍受冬天, maintaining its appeal year-round.
    • Germination Guarantee: 我们提供70%的种子建立保证,确保您的草坪如您所愿发展.

    Our Slit Seeding Process

    我们经过认证的草坪护理技术人员擅长通过精心定制的缝播过程来改善您的草坪. Here's how we ensure your lawn receives optimal treatment:

    • Thorough Lawn Assessment深入检查,找出具体需要改进的地方.
    • Quality Seed Application:精心挑选的草籽,以获得最佳的生长潜力.
    • Precise Slit Seeding: 种子被策略性地放置在土壤直接接触和提高发芽.
    • Ongoing Support: Detailed post-treatment care instructions for best results.

    Warm Season Aeration

    除了我们的狭缝播种十大彩票网站,我们还提供全面的暖季草坪通风十大彩票网站. 这项补充十大彩票网站旨在促进草坪的整体健康.

    • Ideal Timing: Performed from late April to June for maximum effectiveness.
    • Suited for Southern Grasses: Ideal for Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Zoysia varieties.
    • Improves Soil Condition: Loosens compacted soil to enhance oxygen and water absorption.

    *注:我们的草坪播种和通风十大彩票网站只提供额外的十大彩票网站 comprehensive lawn care programs.


    Read Our Online Reviews

    5 Star Review

    My lawn has never looked better. They are the best.

    Robert Stephenson
    5 Star Review

    我的院子看起来棒极了,邻居们对我赞不绝口. 特别感谢托马斯,他记得我有一个狗/狗门,总是告诉我他什么时候来(这样我就可以确保狗没有出去),并问他是否有其他问题可以解决. I appreciate his great customer service!

    Ariah Rogers
    5 Star Review

    我的院子从来没有看起来这么好,几乎是地毯,经过新的修剪,修剪和边缘. Thanks Agronomic Lawn Management for your superior work. 我强烈推荐它们用于施肥和杂草控制/消除处理. 我肯定会在秋天用它们进行核心曝气,可能还会更多地播种. I'm competing for the best lawn in the neighborhood. I think I am almost there.

    Peter_ Langlands_III

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